Thursday, February 27, 2014

I2C Communicatiom

I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit) protocol is used to transfer data between Master and Slave device. There are 2 lines between master and slave, one for data and other for clock. 

I2C is synchronous transfer mechanism, as it uses clock to control the data. So for a particular transfer, Master/ Slave will be transferring/recieving at the same rate. 

Master is known as master, because only it is who can initiate the transfer.

There are two type in which you can register a slave device, either it is connected to interrupt controller, or through GPIO lines you can use it. When registering to interrupt controller we use "i2c" while in other case we use it as "i2c-gpio". 

In device side, we define i2c_board_info for every slave, this will containg slave name, slave address, also platform data. Futher this slave will be register using i2c_register_board_info(), in this method we will pass the bus number and the slave.

Flow will differ if we are using gpio, there we will create device as name "i2c-gpio" and bus number, it will pass this device in platform_add_devices() to get it registered.

At driver side, we will be define all functions like probe, remove, NAME(it should be same), pm_ops. Finally we will call i2c_add_driver(). So as soon as linking between device and driver happens, it will call probe function. 

Now lets take example of Touch, there whenever user touches screen, it will generate the interrupt(it was registered in probe). Through this only Master(touch screen driver) will know that there is some data available at the slave side which needs to be read. Then it will initiate the connection and read data one by one. same is applicale for reading, a little bit flow changes for it.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Some important Terms useful for Display Driver Engineers.

As being part of display driver team, most of the time I need to refresh few of the terms used in display prcessor. 

so here are few of those, I will try to keep on adding here as I encouter any of the term : [I will try to give you simplest meaning for fast understanding, you can refer wikipedia or any other source for more details]

1. Tiling :  It is like generating a larger graphics from re-using a number of smaller graphics to save RAM and increase real-time rendering performance. For example if there is picture of grass field, so you can only store of a portion of that field, and while displaying you can re-use the same portion again and again to create full scale image.

2. Gamma Correction : Human vision, under common illumination conditions (not pitch black nor blindingly bright), follows an approximate gamma or power function. If images are not gamma encoded, they allocate too many bits or too much bandwidth to highlights that humans cannot differentiate, and too few bits/bandwidth to shadow values that humans are sensitive to and would require more bits/bandwidth to maintain the same visual quality. So with this correction, we define a linear function, which coverts the image to compatible image gamma corrected image.

3. Dithering : Dithering is used in computer graphics to create the illusion of "color depth" in images with a limited color palette - a technique (also known as color quantization). In a dithered image, colors that are not available in the palette are approximated by a diffusion of colored pixels from within the available palette.
So in simple terms using it, we create new colors which is not availble in the color palette(set of colors).

4. Histogram:  Its graphical representation of the distribution of the intensity(brightness perception of a color for humans) of the pixels present in a picture. On the basis of this histogram, further brightness of every pixel can be modified to improve the end result.

5. Alpha Blending: Alpha blending is the process of combining a translucent foreground color with a background color, thereby producing a new blended color. So it foreground is transparent then final result will be background color, if foreground is opaque, final result will be foreground color only.

6. Color Keying:  This technique is used for compositing two images together based on color hues. It is used heavily in many fields to remove a background from the subject of a pahoto or video.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Memory Management in Linux

This post is going to be little vague. As I will not be explaining all the basics which most of the book of the same topic covers.

Lets talk about kernel memory allocation Most of the time we use kmalloc() function. Although it is supposed to be used only when kernel need contiguous physical memory. But to save overhead caused by vmalloc(), most of the time kmalloc() is preffered.

So How it allocates ?
Before that first we should understand the hierarchy, on top kmalloc() call is there, then slab allocator comes and finally buddy allocator which finally interacts with the physical memory. So at the time of boot up, slab allocator asks buddy allocator to return a fixed no of pages. Further slab allocator will divide those pages in different size of Caches(like 32, 64 ...MAX byte).
Now suppose in your kernel code you want to allocate a memory for int using kmalloc(), it will search the position for this data only in 32 bit slab. Further every slab has 3 lists, full, partial and empty. These list will have pages. So whenever it wants to allocate a memory for any object, it will first check if any partial page available for that slab, if yes it will allocate memory in that page, if not it will check for free pages, if there also no page is available it will ask buddy allocator to give new page.

Use of High Memory:
It is used when you have more physical memory than required virtual memory. For example, for 4GB virtual memory and 1.5 GB RAM, you will have 1 GB for kernel and 3GB for user space. So you have more physical memory (1.5 GB) than virtual memory(1 GB).
So there is no one to one mapping exists between physical and virtual memory, to solve this problem, in x86 architecture, they created one-to-one mapping for upto 896 MB, memory more than that will be dynamically mapped, so for high memory page will have NULL as a virtual address in page structure.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014


As we discussed in previous post, Spinlock is spinning lock, the same way Semaphore is sleeping lock.
So think of a scenario in which a task want to acquire a semaphore which is not available, so it will go to sleep  and semaphore will put it on a wait queue. Once this semaphore becomes available, scheduler will invoke any of the task on this waitqueue.

1. As the task holding semaphore can sleep, it is best suitable for the task which runs for longer duration.
2. As the task holding semaphore can sleep, it can only be used in Process Context.
3. Task cant hold a spinlock if it wants to acquire a semaphore. Because task might want to sleep while waiting for semaphore, but this will cause processor to sleep for infinte time(if it is holding spinlock), as there is no one to wake it up. 

Monday, February 10, 2014

Spin lock

Lets start with spin lock. First we will understand what is it and further I will try to cover few doubts about it, which could be quite useful in Interviews.

What is Spin lock :
Spin lock is a lock that can be held by at most one thread of execution. Suppose one thread is trying to acquire a spin lock, so first it will check whether this spinlock is held by other thread or not, if it is available it will acquire the lock otherwise it will constantly keep on checking (busy looping) for this lock.

Properties :
1. It should be held for small duration only, because during the time a spin lock is held no other thread can be scheduled on that processor.
2. On uni processor, if spin lock is held, it means it will now behave as kernel preemption is disable. As no other thread can run.
3. On Multi processor, no other thread will be able to take this spin lock.
4. If interrupt handler needs to use lock, they can use spinlock. Also we must ensure that local interrupts are disable before obtaining the lock. Otherwise, it is possible for an interrupt handler to interrupt the kernel code while lock is held. This in turn will make interrupt handler to spins, waiting for the lock to become available while lock holder thread will wait interrupt handler to complete. This is deadlock.

Now another scenario, Suppose you disabled interrupt on local processor and a process is holding the lock. At the same time interrupt came on other processor, it will make process to release the spinlock.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Why Interrupts can't sleep ? And Nested Interrupt

So Lets start with a simple and very important question, why Interrupt can't sleep.

First go back to our understanding to User Context, there we can sleep why? because when you sleep in it, you can call schedule() which can ask other processes to run.

But when you are in Interrupt context, the only thing residing on that Processor is the Interrupt handler(of the respective interrupt). So if you sleep now, there is nothing else to schedule. So its like processor itself is in sleep which is not good at all.

Nested Interrupt

Now there are few things associated with Interrupt, like nested interrupts. So Nested interrupt is when you are running and interrupt handler and more interrupts come on the same line. So in interrupt handler you are getting another interrupt.

When this situation arises ?
Suppose for some reason you need to call enable_irq() in interrupt handler, so it means you are telling your hardware that you are ready to receive the new interrupt.

How Kernel Handles it ?
For this situation, Kernel have third mode called System Mode( apart from user and kernel mode). This is also a privileged mode. So if you want to enable nested interrupt you should change mode to system, and then you should enable interrupt. Before enabling interrupt, you keep LR and SPSR of IRQ mode in Stack of System mode.
This way we save LR and SPSR from being corrupted. And once the new interrupt handled it can return to the previous interrupt and finally it can go back to original location.
you can refer this link for more clarity.