Wednesday, March 12, 2014

why to use request_threaded_irq?

I know for many this function may be very clear, but I found it really difficult to digest this function. So lets start it :

Why we need it ?
From the starting, it was desired for kernel to reduce the time for which processor stays in interrupt context. To solve this initially they introduced Top half and bottom half concept, in which they keep time critical task in top half and rest of the work they kept in bottom half. When processor is executing the interrupt handler it is in interrupt context with interrupts disabled on that line, which is not good because if it is a shared line, other interrupts won't be handled during this time, which in turn effect the overall system latency.
               To overcome this problem, kernel developers came up with the request_threaded_irq() method which futher reduces the time.

How it works?
Before going further with the functionality, lets check the function definition first

int request_threaded_irq (unsigned int irq,
 irq_handler_t handler,
 irq_handler_t thread_fn,
 unsigned long irqflags,
 const char * devname,
 void * dev_id);

Difference between this function and usual request_irq function is the extra thread_fn. 
Now lets understand the functionality, request_threaded_irq() breaks handler code in two parts, 1st handler and 2nd thread function. Now main functionality of handler is to intimate Hardware that it has received the interrupt and wake up thread function. As soon as handler finishes, processor is in process context. 
so processor is free to receive new interrupts. It improves the overall latency.

Some driver code uses request_threaded_irq() with NULL as a value for handler, in that scenario kernel will invoke the default handler, which simply wakeup the thread function.

When to use request_threaded_irq instead of bottom halves ?
Answer lies in the driver's requirement, if it wants to sleep put the code in thread fn and user threaded function. 


Unknown said...

Thanks for explaining clearly.nobody can give this much clarity.

Thanks a lot!!!keep it up

Unknown said...

Thanks Suresh !!