Thursday, June 19, 2014

HWComposer : Android Surface Composition Logic Module

After my last post of SurfaceFlinger few people asked me to write on HWcomposer, which is tightly associated with SurfaceFlinger. 
I here would like to mention that Google's Graphics Architecture link helped me a lot.  So I will be mentioning many of those points here again.
So here we go 

HWComposer(HWC)'s primary purpose is to determing the most efficient way to composite buffers with the available hardware.
You can easily recognize the value of HWC, when you consider "overlay planes". The purpose of overlay planes is to composite the multiple buffers together, but in the display hardware(MDP in case of QCom) rather than the GPU. You can refer this link for diagram.

The mentioned link describes it very well, it goes like :
In General you have three buffers for Android screen at a time, one for Status bar, second for Navigation bar and third for Application. So instead of compositing all three buffers, SurfaceFlinger pass these buffers to Display Hardware to process. So HWC works like this :

  • SurfaceFlinger provides the HWC with a full list of layers, and asks, "how do you want to handle this?"
  • The HWC responds by marking each layer as "overlay" or "GLES composition."
  • SurfaceFlinger takes care of any GLES composition, passing the output buffer to HWC, and lets HWC handle the rest.

  • Now as mentioned in 3rd point, Surfaceflinger passes the output buffer to HWC. This is quite useful when there is no update in the screen. In this scenario, HWC can choose GLES composition for those buffer. Because of this, When Surfaceflinger comes up with the same set of buffers(as no screen is changed), HWC can just continue to show the previously composite buffer.

    Code Flow:

    Linking of hwc module :

    SurfaceFlinger::init() -> HWComposer() -> loadHWCModule() -> hwc_open_1 -> (module->methods-->open) ->open() [defined in hwc.cpp]

     Now whenever Surfaceflinger have new buffers to update, it calls setupHWComposer(). This function is used to get all layers, using 
    currentLayers = hw->getVisibleLayersSortedByZ();

    after setting the data, it calls prepare()  which in turns call prepare()[hwc.cpp][I will definde the details of this function later].

    After all processing and composition is done, we call postFrameBuffer(), it calls commit() and finally hwc::set(). Which goes like this :

    hwc::set() -> hwc_set_primary() -> (mFbUpdate->draw())* -> ov.queueBuffer() -> GenericPipe::queueBuffer() -> Data:queueBuffer()(OverlayCtrlData.h) -> MdpData:play()(overlaymdp.h) -> play()(MdpWrapper.h) ->ioctl(fd,MSMFB_OVERLAY_PLAY,offset)

    this fd and offset it is getting from 
    fbLayer = &list->hwLayers[last];
    hnd = (private_handle_t *) fbLayer->handle;

    after (mFbUpdate->draw()) calls finishes, flow goes like 
    (Overlay->displayCommit()) -> displayCommit()(Overlay.cpp) -> displayCommit()(MdpWrapper.h) -> ioctl(fd, MSMFB_OVERLAY_COMMIT, info)

    After this lcd driver starts doing the final task.

    Now lets understand what prepare() function do. 

    prepare is called for each frame before composition and is used by SurfaceFlinger to determine what composition steps the HWC can handle. 
    The HWC responds by setting the compositionType field in each layer to either HWC_FRAMEBUFFER or HWC_OVERLAY.
    In case of HWC_FRAMEBUFFER, composition is handled by SurfaceFlinger using OpenGL ES, in later case HWC will have to handle the layer's composition.

    Now other important function in hwc.cpp is set(). When this call returns the caller assumes that the display will be updated in the near future with the content of their work list.

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